If you don’t find thousands of projects on Quota there is an obvious reason, we don’t want them. The trust of our investors is our value so we only present carefully selected and likely successful campaigns.
When choosing a project, the evaluation phase is very thorough and requires the joint opinions of an internal committee that meets three times a month exclusively to evaluate new opportunities. In general we classify campaigns into: independent and guaranteed. Guaranteed campaigns, even in case of insufficient quotas sales, are financially supported thanks to the economic intervention of our controlling holding company up to the launch of the project and throughout the initial marketing phase.
Here are the opinions required to approve a project
The president’s opinion rejects or approves a project independently of the assessments of the committee members.
If we are at this point your project has been approved, you will be assigned a digital project manager who will work alongside you at every stage to coordinate your team. You will communicate with the best specialists in each sector and observe your idea day after day until it is ready to face the real market.
At that moment we will give our best together, to turn our our common commitment into success.
How do you know if your project is eligible for support or even guaranteed and fully financed?
You can’t, every idea needs a specific analysis, but don’t forget that on Quota we only accept:
Each project launched on quota is managed
on a hyperledger blockchain ecosystem on servers
Oracle. For our future partners we want only the best.